工時長、月收入高女性更危險? 研究揭性騷擾8大風險因子
哪些職業更容易被性騷擾? 旅遊業、公眾人物是高危險族群?
性騷擾行為並非「只是小事」! 被騷擾者恐面臨嚴重後遺症
資料來源:The Impact of Workplace Harassment on Health in a Working CohortWork related sexual harassment and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: prospective cohort studyRisk factors for workplace sexual harassment and violence among a national cohort of women in Iceland: a cross-sectional studyOnset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforceThe Prevalence and Health Impacts of Frequent Work Discrimination and Harassment among Women Firefighters in the US Fire Service
延伸閱讀:千人研究證實:男性更愛「凝視異性身體」!與性侵害風險有關女性遇「性騷擾」傷心更傷身! 哈佛:罹患「高血壓」機率增21%