一變天血壓機數值就狂飆? 研究:每天「多走3千步」有助調控血壓
專家:高血壓患者養成運動習慣 正面效果堪比服用降血壓藥
養成健走習慣好處多? 哈佛統整「5大優點」
Do the combined blood pressure effects of exercise and antihypertensive medications add up to the sum of their parts? A systematic meta-review
Increasing Lifestyle Walking by 3000 Steps per Day Reduces Blood Pressure in Sedentary Older Adults with Hypertension: Results from an e-Health Pilot
睡滿8小時早上還是累到爆? 營養師建議:睡前做「1件事」代替滑手機、追劇
加班不僅效率差還會讓人「變笨」? 研究證實:記憶力、執行力比不加班者更差